Are you looking for a cosmetic dermatologist in Manhattan? At Aglow Dermatology in addition to our medical services we offer a wide variety of cosmetic dermatology procedures for patients of all skin types.
Cosmetic Dermatologist New York City
Although technical skill is important in selecting a qualified professional to perform a cosmetic procedure, a background understanding of the skin and dermatological conditions is also important. As cosmetic procedures have become more commonly available in spas and in medical offices not supervised by a physician board-certified in an aesthetic specialty such as dermatology, it is important for the public to know the difference. A board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Strachan, is trained and expert in all medical and cosmetic aspects of the skin and is therefore generally more skilled at matching a cosmetic problem to the correct treatment options be it a prescription, a product, advice, or a procedure. A board-certified dermatologist is an expert in assessing whether a treatment is appropriate for a particular patient considering their specific cosmetic concerns and medical history specifically trained to avoid and manage complications.
What is Cosmetic Dermatology?
Cosmetic dermatology, also known as aesthetic dermatology, is a sub-specialty that deals with addressing concerns regarding a person’s appearance. These may be procedures that make a person look younger, such as Botox. Cosmetic dermatology also involves procedures that restore damage such as acne scar treatment. It is sometimes subjective as to whether the treatment of a problem is medical or cosmetic. We know that as we are social beings, cosmetic concerns are very important in a person’s quality of life
Do Cosmetic Dermatologists do Surgery?
Yes, cosmetic dermatology involves many procedures that include steel scalpel surgery. In recent times; however, the term procedural dermatology has become more common as many of the services offered today are minimally invasive and are safer. They don’t involve cutting and scaring. Some examples of cosmetic procedures that dermatologist perform includes: lasers, radiofrequency, neurotoxin injections, fillers, and chemical peels. They also advise around skincare for the purpose of enhancing appearance and looking younger.
Is it Better to See a Dermatologist or Esthetician?
It depends on what you are looking for, the type of service, and how severe your problem is. There is some overlap in what cosmetic dermatologist and estheticians do. Dermatologists are physicians with medical licenses which allows them to do much of what an esthetician does as well as offer other services.
An esthetician has a cosmetology which allows them to offer a variety of beauty services. Dermatologist and estheticians often work together but have a different scope of practice. For example, with a patient of acne a dermatologist would be able to offer prescription medicine, certain medical procedures, as well as the less invasive beauty treatments and skin care that the esthetician would only be allowed to offer.
Dermatologist vs Plastic Surgeon
There is a lot of overlap between cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery. Cosmetic dermatologists are more focused on the minimally invasive procedures and have more specific training on skin disease, whereas plastic surgeons do the more invasive procedures such as breast reconstruction and face lifts.
Is Cosmetic Dermatology Covered by Insurance?
Generally, no. When a service is determined to be cosmetic, insurance will not pay and patients have to cover the cost themselves.
For example: If a doctor determines that a mole needs to be removed because it may be cancerous, that would be considered medically necessary; therefore, covered by insurance. If the patient wants a mole removed because they think it is unattractive, that would be considered cosmetic; therefore, the insurance company will not pay for it.
Read what our patients are saying!
"Dr. Dina Strachan, is a phenomenal dermatologist and professional. She treated my skin for excessive dryness and performed electromagnetic laser treatment on my face. The process was easy and she has me looking 10 years younger. I trust her as a professional, and have every confidence that the results as always will be superb! I highly recommend her services and encourage all to seek her out if you have any challenge with respect to her exceptional dermatological talent. You will be pleased! RPL"
Schedule Your Cosmetic Dermatology Consultation in NYC
Schedule your appointment today for a consultation with our cosmetic dermatologist in NYC. Contact Aglow Dermatology here.
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