Laser Skin Rejuvenation NYC

chemical peels aglow dermatology new york city

What is Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

Laser skin rejuvenation is designed to improve the skin’s appearance by treating wrinkles, sun damage, sagging skin, brown spots, spider veins and more. This process has a number of advantages over other resurfacing procedures, including chemical peels and microdermabrasion, in that it significantly reduces or eliminates side effects such as discomfort, bleeding and bruising. Different types of laser treatments are used to treat different skin conditions. Common types of laser treatments include intense pulsed-light (IPL) skin rejuvenation; photodynamic therapy (PDT); nonablative laser rejuvenation; and ablative laser resurfacing.

Results from laser treatments are usually not immediate, taking several months to appear, and a number of treatment sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results. Although safer than traditional resurfacing procedures, there are some risks, including scarring and unwanted lightening/darkening of the treated skin.

What Skin Conditions Can Laser Rejuvenation Treat?

Laser rejuvenation can treat a wide variety of skin conditions. It is most commonly used to help treat wrinkles, mild acne scars, sun damage, and spider veins. But laser rejuvenation can be used to treat other skin ailments as well.

Here is a list of the less common ailments laser rejuvenation can treat:

  • Tattoos.
  • Hair loss.
  • Birthmarks.
  • Rosacea.
  • Broken blood vessels.
  • Lesions.
  • Uneven skin tone.
  • Sagging skin.
  • Port-wine stains.
  • Warts.
  • Scars.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Laser Rejuvenation?

Before you are able to receive laser rejuvenation, you must first be deemed a suitable candidate by a qualified plastic surgeon. Because laser rejuvenation is a versatile treatment, there are plenty of factors that can make you an ideal candidate for it. The first, and one of the most important factors, is having realistic expectations regarding the treatment.

You are a suitable candidate if you are someone looking to improve upon their skin and are in good health. However, there are things that can disqualify you as a candidate for laser rejuvenation. If you have deep wrinkles, darker pigmentation, you have specific allergies, or you are taking medication that can interfere with the treatment. During your consultation, you may be provided with alternative treatments by the plastic surgeon.

Is Laser Rejuvenation Safe for All Skin Types?

Yes, laser rejuvenation is safe for most skin types. A lot of people looking to treat their skin may have heard that lasering is only for people with lighter skin types. Although there are certain lasers that can cause complications to those with darker skin tones, there are other laser options for all skin types. Your plastic surgeon will determine the best laser for your skin type during your consultation.

How Long Will My Results Last After Laser Rejuvenation?

Laser rejuvenation provides patients with long-lasting results. On average, the results from having laser rejuvenation performed can years before requiring a touch-up appointment, depending on the type of laser used. When it comes to skin issues, such as scarring, the results are permanent. However, the results do not last forever when it comes to natural aging.

Contact Aglow at  212-627-1004 or click here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Strachan.

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