
What is Kybella® Treatment NYC?

Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, a chemical produced naturally by the body, administered by injection for improvement of moderate to severe fullness associated with submental fat under the chin in adults, also called “double chin.” Kybella® is the first and only FDA approved non-surgical treatment for both men and women to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

The Kybella® treatments are minimally invasive. Kybella® is delivered to the area of fat under the chin through a series of specifically placed tiny injections. A pattern of injections is applied under the chin. The area may be iced and after a numbing agent may be added to aid in your comfort. These treatments offer fat reduction and the potential to transform and tighten the jowls and neck.

Kybella® is a customized treatment. Once evaluated in our office Dr. Strachan will design a treatment plan tailored just for you. Depending on the amount of fullness present and the results desired, the average patient with require 2-4 treatments to see significant results.

Kybella® treatments are scheduled about 4 weeks apart and the effects of Kybella® have shown to be permanent. Excessive weight gain post treatment may result in some reduction of the result.

What is Submental Fullness?

Submental fullness, also known as a "double chin," is a common aesthetic concern in people who are at a healthy weight but have excess fat under their chin. This can be due to aging, genetics, or heredity, leading to this condition that is often wrongly associated with being overweight. Dr. Dina Strachan is a dermatologist at Aglow Dermatology based in New York, NY, who can make recommendations regarding the treatment of this excess fat. While plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction can effectively address submental fullness, patients now have another option available to them known as Kybella®. This is a unique injectable designed to reduce the fat in the treatment area gradually to lessen submental fullness and provide an improved profile.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

If you are struggling with submental fullness and are looking for an effective, minimally-invasive treatment option, Kybella® may be a good choice for you. However, you will want to consult with a board-certified dermatologist such as Dr. Dina Strachan first to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements and are not at increased risk for complications. Patients who are seeking a nonsurgical solution to the double chin may find Kybella® injections to be more desirable--and more affordable--than liposuction or a neck lift performed by a plastic surgeon.

How Long Does Kybella® Swelling Last?

Patients should be aware of several side effects of Kybella®, including temporary itching, redness, and swelling at the injection site. Swelling can a few days or weeks before it resolves on its own. You are encouraged to ask your board-certified dermatologist about healing after each injection, and what to expect so you can plan work, school, and social activities around your injection appointments.

What Should I Avoid After My Kybella® Treatment?

To reduce your risk of complications and improve the effectiveness of Kybella® injections, you will want to avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for at least one week after your injections. It is also essential to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking for several days after each injection in order to prevent excessive swelling or bruising at the injection site. Dr. Dina Strachan will provide you with aftercare instructions after your appointment to reduce your chances of experiencing any complications or side effects that may be bothersome.

Are Kybella® Results Permanent?

The results from your Kybella® injections will not be noticeable immediately. It can take a few weeks or months for the full effects to be apparent. While the fat cells in this area are permanently destroyed by Kybella® and will not regrow, the remaining fat cells can expand with weight gain. Keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain your current weight is essential, as weight gain can result in the growth of the fat cells underneath the chin and cause the reformation of submental fullness. Our New York, NY, area dermatologist will talk to you about the maintenance needed during your initial consultation appointment.

Click here to learn more about Kybella®. Or, call us at  212-627-1004 today to reach our NYC office.

Schedule Your Kybella® Consultation In NYC!

Click here to set up an appointment or learn more about Kybella® treatment NYC from our staff and Aglow Dermatology. Or, you can dial  212-627-1004 today to book your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Strachan.

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