Laser Hair Removal NYC


Laser hair removal NYC: Laser is a great choice for those looking for convenience or alleviation from some skin conditions caused by hair.

Managing unwanted hair over a lifetime can be expensive, time-consuming, and painful. Additionally, sometimes the techniques used to get rid of unwanted hair, such as shaving and waxing can create other chronic skin conditions such as razor bumps and skin infections. This is why removing hair permanently with laser hair removal has become so popular in recent times. In four to six treatments one can achieve permanent hair reduction.

Laser hair removal technology has evolved since it became popular over 20 years ago. It originally was less available to people with dark skin, but now lasers exist that can treat people of all skin types. Read on to learn more about laser hair removal NYC at Aglow Dermatology.

Laser Hair Removal NYC with Aerolase NeoDerm® ND:YAG 1064 NM Laser

Our permanent hair removal services feature the Aerolase NeoDerm® Nd:YAG 1064 nm Laser, which is FDA-cleared and safe to use on patients of all skin colors. There is minimal discomfort, and no cooling, gel, or downtime. Unlike traditional methods of hair removal such as waxing or shaving, laser hair removal treatments offer a more permanent solution with long-lasting results.

So You Probably Have Questions

If. you are new to laser hair removal you probably have some questions about how it all works. At Aglow Dermatology we are here to answer your questions and give you quality information about laser hair removal in NYC.

How Many Hair Sessions Does It Take?

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, generally, 3-6 hair removal sessions are required. If you are just treating razor bumps you will see improvement in 3 to 4 sessions, but for hair removal, we typically recommend 6 sessions to get the desired results.

How Long between Sessions?

Hair removal sessions are spaced one month apart because of the hair growth cycles. Since your hair doesn’t all grow at the same rate, this time is needed as well as several sessions to make sure it is all taken care of.

What parts of the Body can you treat?

You can get laser hair removal on just about any part of the body. Here is a list of common services requested:

  • laser hair removal for hairline
  • laser hair removal for face
  • laser hair removal for unibrow
  • laser hair removal for upper lip
  • laser hair removal for chin
  • laser hair removal for beard
  • laser hair removal for sideburns
  • laser hair removal for neck
  • laser hair removal for back of neck
  • laser hair removal for armpits
  • laser hair removal for arms
  • laser hair removal for chest
  • laser hair removal for stomach
  • laser hair removal for back
  • laser hair removal for pubic area
  • laser hair removal for bikini area

What is the difference between shaving and laser hair removal?

both shaving and laser hair removal are effective at getting rid of hair. The advantage of laser hair removal is that it is permanent hair reduction, which means you don’t have to keep removing it as you do with shaving and there is no worry about developing razor bumps.

What are the side effects of laser hair removal?

We invest in the highest-grade equipment and have the best-trained staff possible, but as with any procedure, there is a slight risk of side effects. Potential complications include discomfort, scaring, pigmentary change, herpes infection reactivation, lack of response, and eye exposure. We observe the highest safety protocols to minimize your risk.

With our Aerolase laser system, some of the side effects of laser hair removal are good side effects.  Laser hair removal with the Neo reduces the hyperpigmentation many people have in treated areas from either ingrown or from shaving, waxing or plucking. Further, our laser treatments can be combined with chemical peels both on the face and body to reduce hyperpigmentation even more.

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Hair and hyperpigmentation from plucking on the abdomen
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Reduced hair and hyperpigmentation 1 month after 1 laser treatment and Vi body peel

How to prepare for laser hair removal?

It's best not to wax or pluck the hair for 3 weeks prior to a laser hair removal session. These modalities remove the bulb which reduces the benefit of your treatment. Do come to your appointment with the area shaved as this reduces risk of burn to the skin with the laser treatment.

Laser hair removal for razor bumps

Many people, especially those with kinky or curly hair, develop razor bumps, ingrown hairs or pseudofolliculitis barbe from shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal is an excellent option to treat this problem.  Unlike when hair removal is done to remove all hair which usually requires a minimum of 6 treatments, laser hair removal for razor bumps usually requires just 3 treatments one month apart.

Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin NYC

Since hair removal lasers are designed to find the brown pigment melanin, which is in hair and skin, it is more risky for people with darker skin to be a target. Our machines are calibrated to consider this so that there are no issues with the procedure.

Laser hair removal for hidradenitis

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin disease characterized by pimples, boils, and scars caused by blockage of hair follicles. Hair bearing areas such as the armpits and genitals are commonly affected.  Studies show that laser hair removal for hidradenitis can be an effective treatment.  Usually 3 treatments 1 month apart is required.  One may wonder does insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis suppurativa? Like for other indications insurance usually considers hair removal cosmetic so this treatment would likely be an out-of-pocket expense.

Laser vs electrolysis

Laser hair removal and electrolysis are both popular methods for achieving long-term hair reduction, but they differ in their benefits, techniques and mechanisms:

  • Laser hair removal, which targets the pigment melanin, is generally only effective for dark hair whereas electrolysis, which involves the delivery of an electric current through a fine needle, will work on any hair color
  •  laser hair removal is quicker and more suitable for larger treatment areas, whereas with electrolysis one follicle is treated at a time
  • laser hair removal gives extended periods of being hair-free, there may be a need for retreatment whereas electrolysis tends to be more permanent.

So Why go to a Dermatologist for Laser Hair Removal?

Dermatologists are medical doctors in a medical setting. We have the most up-to-date technology, the most experience, and the most extensive knowledge of your skin that you won’t find anywhere else.

Now that we have answered your questions and informed you about laser hair removal, the next step is to book a consultation with Dr. Dina Strachan at Algow Dermatology. Click the button below to get in contact with us and we will get you your appointment right away.

Laser Hair Removal at Home

Technology has evolved so there are excellent options for permanent hair removal at home. We highly recommend the No!No! hair removal systems for the following reasons:

  • It works. We’ve tried it. We liked it
  • It is safe and effective on patients of all skin colors. The thermicon technology is colorblind.
  • It can be used all over the body
  • It is effective on all hair colors. In office hair removal is usually effective on dark hair only. No!No! works on white, blond and red hair as it is color blind.
  • It is convenient and economical as you treat yourself at home. The devices start at under $150.
no!no! pro
no!no! micro

Links (affiliate): Check out the no!no! micro hair removal system or no!no! pro hair removal kit

Best laser hair removal NYC

Contact Aglow Dermatology about laser hair removal at 212-627-1004 or reach out online to schedule a consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Strachan. She looks forward to meeting you to help address your cosmetic concerns!

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