Dermatology Before and After

Dermatology Before and After is Aglow's premiere before and after procedure photo gallery. Our collection features real patients of Dr. Dina Strachan, MD, and the end results they achieved after showing up with a desire to change something about their skin, hair, or nails cosmetically or because of medical necessity or benefit.

Down below you will find a variety of catagories that represent many of dermatological procedures. Feel free to explore the variety of "case studies" that have been currated to represent the wide range of options we have and all the different types of patients who have benefited from them.

Each page is snapshot that visually shows what they looked like before and after their journey. Some of these procedures span months, but we have set up each page like a mini case study so you can get all the valuable information concisely put together.  With visual real-life results of our actual  patients, our goal is to share what has worked so well for others so you can picture yourself after the same experience.

Our dermatology before and after gallery also includes a brief profile of each patient, the reason they came to us, and further information that could help you learn more about the different aspects of the procedure, all with the goal of make sure you are confident and comfortable with any decision you decided to make. So, look out for the additional links and please feel free to contact us anytime to set up a consultation.

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