VI Peel before and after

Case ID: 3089

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

The Vi Peel was one of the first chemical peel brands to promote itself as being safe in patients of all skin types – meaning patients with both light and dark skin. Prior to that people with darker skin were told that they could not safely get a chemical peel.  In addition to treating hyperpigmentation, it is effective for treating acne, melasma, sun damage, fine lines, and creates a beautiful glowing complexion.  The peel comes with a kit containing products to be used in post peel care.  Peeling typically starts on day 3 and is complete on day 7.

Interested in a peel or other service? Schedules an appointment here!

Watch a Vi peel consults here!

View Angle: front
Before Image: VI Peel before and after - front


After Image: VI Peel before and after - front


Description: This before and after shows the effect of the Vi Peel in treating post inflammatory hyperpigmentation on an black woman. This peel is safe from all skin types.

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