Acne scar treatment before and after

Case ID: 3035

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

Acne scar treatment before and after: Atrophic acne scars form when the inflammation of acne lesions destroys collagen and elastic causing depressions in the skin.  Treatments usually involve a process that stimulates new collagen producting. These include chemical peels, lasers, prp treatment, subscision, microneedling and microneedling rf. Microneedling rf is one of the safer and effective treatments for acne scars.  It can be done all year long. rf microneedling is safe on patients of all skin types. The treatment has little to no downtime. Microneeding rf is also effect for skin tightening, wrinkle treatment, stretch marks, and more.  The treatment of acne scars usually requires three treatments spaced 1 month apart. We use the Cutera Secret rf device.  To schedule a consultation contact us here!

Below is an example of the great results we got with the Cutera Secret rf in a white man with acne scars. Check out the effects of this same treatment in an African American man with the same condition.

rf microneedling before and after acne scars | microneedling with rf before and after | acne scar treatment before and after | treatment for acne scars before and after

View Angle: left-front-oblique
Before Image: Acne scar treatment before and after - left-front-oblique


After Image: Acne scar treatment before and after - left-front-oblique


Description: Despite not having had acne for years this man in his early 50s still had the memories due to his severe acne scars. He said it was life changing to see the results after 3 rf microneedling treatments with Cutera Secret rf. He was also happy about the rejuvenation "side effect" of his full face treatments. Take note of his more defined jawline.

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