hair loss expert

Hair loss in African Americans

Hair loss affects people of all ethnic groups.  African Americans, however, can be predisposed to certain types of hair loss. In African Americans, hair loss can occur due to various reasons, including the unique characteristics of kinky hair, certain hairstyles, and underlying medical conditions. In this post, we’ll discuss the most common causes of hair […]

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body focused repetitive behavior and your dermatologist

Body focused repetitive behavior is a self-grooming disorder that involved picking and pulling at skin, hair, and nails to the point of damage.  It falls under the category of obessive-compulsive disorder.  Names of conditions include trichotilomania (hair pulling), skin picking or neurotic excoriations, lip biting and nail biting. Dermatologists sometimes address problems that go beyond

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your heart and your hair picture of pink heart

Your heart and you…hair?

Your hair and your heart are more related than you might think. Androgenetic alopecia, or male/female pattern hair loss, is the most common cause of hair loss. Its cause is usually genetic, but it can also occur due to hormonal problems. Although many regard the problem as merely cosmetic, the onset of this type of

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