dermatologist manhattan

body focused repetitive behavior and your dermatologist

Body focused repetitive behavior is a self-grooming disorder that involved picking and pulling at skin, hair, and nails to the point of damage.  It falls under the category of obessive-compulsive disorder.  Names of conditions include trichotilomania (hair pulling), skin picking or neurotic excoriations, lip biting and nail biting. Dermatologists sometimes address problems that go beyond

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Physician credentials: 5 reasons patients should care

The world has changed tremendously since I started my journey to become a board-certified dermatologist. It shouldn’t be a surprise. The journey was long. This is the path to getting my physician credentials: 1. College (Harvard) – four years2. Medical school (Yale) – four years3. Internal medicine internship (spending every 3rd night in the hospital-

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5 Reasons to Love Your Skin

Do you love your skin? You should. Your skin does so much for you.  Do you even know all the ways that your skin serves you?  In honor of Valentine’s Day, we give you a list of 5 reasons to love your skin: 1. Your skin is water waterproof!  In a dry environment, your body

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