What Will a Dermatologist Do for Back Acne?

Woman scratching her shoulder with pimples on white background Back acne – sometimes called “bacne” – is caused by the buildup of sweat, oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells in your pores. If you struggle with this common condition, you know how frustrating it can be to treat at home. You may want to consult a dermatologist for back acne.

At Aglow Dermatology, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Dina Strachan has treated countless patients with back acne to promote clearer, healthier skin. Whether your goal is to get rid of uncomfortable bumps that chafe against clothing or you want to pull that backless dress out of your closet again, our New York City practice can help.

What Causes Back Acne?

The first step in treating back acne is finding the root cause. During your consultation, Dr. Strachan may ask questions about your lifestyle to rule out common triggers.

Some factors that can irritate back acne include:

  • Hormones: Hormonal changes, like those during pregnancy or puberty, can contribute to body acne.
  • Tight or synthetic clothing: Friction from tight clothing can irritate blemishes, while synthetics offer less moisture-wicking and breathability than natural fibers.
  • Backpacks: Your bag could also cause friction and trap moisture against your skin.
  • Genetic predisposition: If you have a family history of acne, you might be more prone to pimples.
  • Irritating skincare products: Some body washes and lotions contain comedogenic ingredients that clog your pores.
  • Stress: Your body responds to feeling overwhelmed by making more cortisol, which in turn produces more sebum.
  • Medications and supplements: Certain medications like corticosteroids can contribute to back acne. You might also be sensitive to supplements like B12 or BCAAs.

Once we eliminate any underlying causes, our practice can create a treatment plan to balance your skin.

Related: Why a dermatologist for acne treatment is the best choice?

How Can I Get Rid of Back Acne?

The treatment of back acne depends on the cause and type of lesions. There are many over-the-counter treatments for back acne.  Sometimes benzoyl peroxide and over the counter adapalene is enough.  

If home treatments aren’t effective, you might respond to oral medications like prescription-strength topical retinoids, or oral medications such as doxycycline, spironolactone, or isotretinoin. Topical antibiotics like erythromycin or clindamycin may also improve your body acne. In certain cases, in-office services like chemical peels could clear your skin more quickly.

Get Back Acne Treatment in New York City

Back acne can be tricky to treat on your own, but Dr. Strachan’s expertise in treating all skin types and tones can help you conquer this irritating condition. Schedule a back acne treatment consultation at Aglow Dermatology in New York at 212-627-1004.

  1. Read next:  Hormonal acne – what you need to know

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