Consider These Treatment Options for Postpartum Hair Loss

Dina Strachan MD postpartum hair loss treatment If you’ve recently had a child and are concerned about hair loss or hair shedding, then you should keep reading. Many women don’t realize that postpartum hair loss is even a factor they have to consider. But after giving birth, typically around the three-month mark, estrogen levels in women start to drop dramatically, and a side effect of this is hair loss. So no, you’re not going crazy, there is a reason your hair is thinning or being lost, and there are some treatment methods. Continue reading to find out more postpartum hair loss treatment options.

Schedule a consultation with our hair loss specialist here!

Change Your Shampoo & Conditioner

Unfortunately, when it comes to postpartum hair loss, there is no miracle treatment for bringing your hair back once the hair loss/shedding occurs. However, there are ways to slow it down, prevent more of it, and give your hair an overall healthier appearance. After you consult with Dr. Strachan, certain shampoos and conditioners that help with this condition can be recommended to you during this time. Oftentimes these hair care products will specifically target the increased volume of your hair to make it fuller and healthier looking.

Be More Cautious With Your Hair Care

The doctor can also recommend certain tips and tricks to you during this time to better care for your hair in general. Slowing down with brushing or overly styling your hair can give it a rest during this trying time. Especially staying away from high-heat blow dryers or irons will increase your potential for hair retainment. And as you typically would, avoid high-tension ponytails or braids that pull forcibly on your hair, as this will lead to accelerated hair loss.

Consider Changing Your Hairstyle

This “treatment” doesn’t require us here at Aglow Dermatology to point it out, but this is a great time to try a new hairstyle. A shorter-length hairstyle accompanied with volume-increasing shampoos and conditioners will keep your hair looking as full and healthy as possible throughout this time. See your usual stylist and let them know what’s going on, some are aware of tips and tricks to help during this period.

All in all, it’s important to note that this condition is temporary. It takes some time for your hormones to balance out after giving birth, but it will happen. Still, please feel free to contact us at Aglow Dermatology in New York, NY, at 212-627-1004 if you’d like further treatment options.

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